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Creation and kinds of alerts in order to control the conversation

Olga Salas avatar
Escrito por Olga Salas
Actualizado hace más de una semana

Alerts are real-time notifications sent to your e-mail or connector when the setting parameters, which have been previously contemplated, are accomplished. These parameters are going to vary according to you brand, product or service, and they can be customized and adjusted to your specific needs.

For what are the alerts useful?

Some of the alerts-system utilities are:

  • To prevent and restrain the reputation crisis.

  • To improve our customer service and costumer care.

  • To avoid that small incidents become critiques with a great impact.

  • To be the first one to detect the opportunities in our conversation and in our competitors one.

How can we configure the alert? What kinds of alerts are there?

Although the alerts system of Séntisis allows you te create hundreds of different alerts by combining a lot of variables, there mainly exist four types: according to their volume, influence, author and virality.

In order to access the alerts section, you should follow the next steps:

  • Go to the 'Alerts' icon, which is placed in the left side navigation bar - with a flame symbol.

  • Then, click on 'Create an Alert'.

After clicking on it, a list containing the three kinds of available alerts will be opened. Each of them has its own characteristics and it is possible to combine different criteria (sentiment, categories, etc.) and send them to one or some users.

When you create an alert, we suggest that you use its name in order to identify it, e.g. 'Influencer - More than 10K followers', since this information will appear in the content of the e-mail.

Alerts in accordance with volume

When more than 'X' mentions in the conversation are produced, you will receive a notification. In order to configure them, you should select the option 'By volume' in the alerts.

After entering this type of alert, you should complete the different sections, which will determine the information that will be included in the alert:

  1. Naming the alert. Remember that it is recommended that you use its name to identify it, e.g. 'More that 100 mentions per hour', since this information will appear in the sent e-mail.

  2. A brief description of the alert - optional.

  3. Deciding the number of mentions from which we want to receive the alert and the maximum time in which the mentions can be produced after receiving the alert - hours, minutes, days -, e.g. more than 50 mentions per minute.

  4. Selecting the source - All of them, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Media -, from which we want to receive the alert.

Furthermore, you should select the type of sentiment - positive or negative -, any of these categories - both the manual or the linguistic ones -, none of these categories - applicable in case of you want to exclude particular categories -, and select the brand - only in the product RACE - or trends - in the product Explore - according to which the alert should go off.

Finally, it is necessary to input the e-mail or e-mails - separated by commas - to which we want these notices to be sent.

Alerts in accordance with influence

In this kind of alert, you will receive a notification when a user, who has more than 'X' number of followers, participates in the conversation. In order to configure them, you should select the option 'By influence' after clicking on 'Create an Alert' and complete it:

  1. Naming it.

  2. A brief description of the alert - optional.

  3. Determining the minimum number of followers that the user should have so that you can receive the alerts when they mention your brand.

  4. Excluded users - in case you do not want to receive the alert of some influencers or users.

  5. Select the source - only applicable to Twitter.

As in the 'By volume' ones, you should select the kind of sentiment - positive or negative -, as well as the categories to be included or excluded - both the manual and the linguistic ones - and select the brand - only in the product RACE - or the trend - in the product Explore - which we want to be taken into account when alert is sent.

Finally, it is necessary to input the e-mail or e-mails - separated by commas - to which we want the alerts be sent. To conclude, it should have an aspect which is similar to the following one:

Exclude users

In the alerts made in accordance with influence, there exists the possibility of excluding users in order to avoid receiving a notification when a determined account participates in the conversation - although it obeys the rest of the criteria. For example, when a corporative account publishes something.

Alerts in accordance with author

A notification will be sent when one or some users, determined by us, participate in the conversation. In order to create them, you should select the option 'By author'. Then, you should complete the fields of the alert:

  1. Naming it.

  2. A brief description of the alert - optional.

  3. Write the user or users that we want to monitor. You do not have to add '@' in the case of Twitter.

  4. Select the source (Twitter, Facebook or Media).

Furthermore, as in the rest of the alerts, you should select the kind of sentiment - positive or negative -, the categories to be included in or excluded from the alert, select the brand - only in the product RACE - or the trend - in the product Explore - and include the e-mail or e-mails to which you want the alert to be sent.

Once you conclude, the alert should have an aspect similar to the following one:

Alerts in accordance with virality

A notification will be sent when a publication channels a certain number of RTs or a certain scope. In order to configure them, you should select the option 'By virality' and choose what metrics make a publication viral.

  1. Write a name.

  2. Briefly describe the alert (optional).

  3. Decide the number of retweets or the scope that you consider that is enough so that the publication is viral and determine a unit of time (per hour).

    1. 🔎 Scope: the amount of followers of the author of the original tweet and the number of followers of all the users that retweet the tweet in one hour.

  4. Select a source (Twitter).

    Achieve a higher level of depth and accuracy by selecting the type of sentiment (positive or negative) or the categories to be included/excluded from the alert. Then, add the e-mail addresses to which you want the alert to be sent.

    The alert should finally look similar to the one in the following image:

    E.g. E-mail received in an alert by virality (Scope)

    If you want to know more about that, you can read the article which deals with a guide for using alerts. It includes some examples that can be useful for you.

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