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Dark Posts

Séntisis is able to monitor the conversation generated through dark posts in Facebook and Instagram platforms.

Olga Salas avatar
Escrito por Olga Salas
Actualizado hace más de una semana

What are the dark posts? 👇

Dark posts are defined as promotional entries, which can be created as a part of the advertising options - paid media - of Facebook and Instagram through the Business Facebook managing advertisements.

Dark posts appear in the time timeline of the users which were previously defined as an objective group, but they do not are in any wall post of any public page in Facebook.

How can I collect them? 🕸️

In order to start compiling this information in your dashboard, you need to follow two steps, which are essential:

1. Please ensure that the user that you use to log on Facebook and Instagram has management roles in the Business Facebook managing advertisements. By means of this platform, Facebook and Instagram dark posts are managed. Here you can find more details about Social Login.

2. Once you have properly logged on both platforms, you will have the different ads accounts - to which the user has access - available. You only have to access the section 'sources', placed in the settings, and select them as 'business pages' in Facebook and Instagram.

How can I display them in my dashboard? 🔍

After configuring your business pages, you will begin to display these dark posts in the mentions section. If you want to access only to these posts, you can do it by using our filter in Magic Search and selecting the option 'Visibility>Dark'.

The mentions which have been generated through the dark posts contain a tag in the message, which allows us to distinguish them. Depending if it is a post or a comment, you can see the labelling 'dark post' or 'dark comment', placed on the right of the handle.

Duplicate posts in Instagram? 🤔

Instagram, in its web, gathers/adds all the interactions - which are organically channelled and directed by means of ads - in the same post.

In Séntisis, we download two posts that share the same copy and link. However, it is not an erroneous duplicate: one of these publications shows the interactions which are organically channelled and the other one - tag 'dark post' - illustrates the metrics that have been extracted through paid media.

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